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~Bible Sharing~

+ Monday, May 11, 2009
Sharing on 10/05/09

Today I’m going to share with you something about CAPACITY. But before I touch on that, I just want to share with you guys something else. I want to tell you that GOD CARES ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK!

When we come to church for services, we want to dress our best, we want to look most presentable before GOD. I’ve seen people going to church wearing singlet, boxers and slippers, I don’t think that’s the way they should be dressing for a service. You may say that it is your style, but the way you dress is not only a matter of style, the way you dress shows the respect you have for the place you’re going or he person your meeting. A church service, is like a “official kind of event”. So you must be looking presentable when you appear in an official event.
For example, if president Obama were to hold an official meeting with you, how would you dress? Will you appear in front of president Obama in an official event in singlet, boxers and slippers? Of course NOT! But you got to understand, when you come to a church service, you’re meeting someone more respectable, more influential, more powerful than Obama, and this person is none other than Jesus! So you got to dress well to show respect! You got to look presentable.
So from now on, please look presentable when you come for services in church. I’m not going to say something like: “Oh…No more shorts in church, no more slippers in church” you go and think and pray about it. You decided what is acceptable, and what is not. Again, GOD DOES CARE ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK, HOW YOU DRESS! Start gaining God’s favor by your dressing. Amen.

(Capacity- Part 1)
First let me share a testimony that I’ve heard. There was this man who works in a very successful company. The company is like the top company in the region. This man, he not only works in that company as a general worker, or a clerk, he holds an important position. May be a manager, may be a CEO. And this man, his assets round up to about a total of $30million.
But in the recent recession, this man lost all his assets, he even lose his job! It is like losing everything! His $30million has now left with only about a hundred. I don’t know how it feels to lose $3omillion because I don’t have $30million to lose. But if you were to lose everything you got now, what would your reaction be? Will you turn around and blame God? Let me tell you this man, he didn’t blame God, he was still found in church, worshipping God, praising God! And when the pastors approached the en and his wife, this is what they told the pastors, they said: “Look pastor, we believe that more exciting times are ahead!” Wow! I don’t find losing $30million dollars overnight exciting?! But what do I see in this man? I saw CAPACITY.
This man he has the capacity to handle the stress, the pressure! God allows this to happen in his life because God knows that he can raise high above it. For the word of the Lord said:

1 Cor 10:13
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear…”

So need to have capacity in our life.

Capacity is important in our life. We always pray, “GOD! Use me, let me be servant! Here am I, send me!” But before God can use you for a greater purpose, you need to have the capacity to handle it. Same as the pervious verse, God will not give you responsibilities more than you can handle. God don’t want you to burn out, it’s not God’s plan for you to burn out! God purpose in our life is big, like the size of a travel trailer, but if our capacity is just the size of a Toyota Corolla engine, then it will not be able to drive the big travel trailer. So if we want God to use us in a big way, with a big purpose, we need to have a big capacity to contain it!
Sometimes when our pastor comes and they ask you to, let’s say lead a prayer meeting for an hour. Will you start to panic and think; “oh, how do I start the meeting?” “What do I pray for?” “How do I lead the people to pray?” “How shall I divide the time in order to be able to pray for all the prayer requests?” “Oh, I don’t think I can make it!” is this how you react? Or when pastor said, “I want you to prepare a 10min sermon” and then you freak out, and start planning 6months earlier, fasting 6months earlier for that 10mins sermon when you can just borrow and share one of your pastor’s sermons. Come on guys it all voices down to capacity.
If you have big capacity, when pastor asked you to lead a prayer meeting for an hour, your reaction will be: “Alright pastor, although this is my first time, but I believe that God will see me through, I’m going to flow with the Holy Spirit.” If you have a big capacity, you will be able to contain whatever comes in your way!

So how will you measure the capacity of a water tank? How do you measure the amount that tank can hold? Let me each you a little of mathematics. If you want to find the capacity, the volume of the tank, just take the length(L) x Width(W) x Height(H). So that’s the formula of volume.
For our capacity, there is also a basic formula for it, that is:


So if you know your mathematics well, to increase the capacity, you need to increase PRAYER, PERSEVERANCE and FAITH. Of course there are other things that can increase our capacity, but this formula is the basic, the things that you need to have at least.
So, Next week, we will come together and learn more about increasing our capacity. See you next week. Amen.

Blogged @ 2:36 AM


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